Monday, 29 April 2013

The BEST Window Cleaner.

I have tried many different window formulas, and all seem to be lots of work, sweat & often tears, and then streaks!   This one however, is different, and I was really pleased!  I used damp newspapers to polish the still wet window after spraying this on - worked like a charm!  Just make sure you don't let the spray concoction dry on the window - spray one pane of glass then polish it straight off. Give it a go.

People by the thousands tried this but ended up swearing off cleaning with homemade recipes because the formula left streaks on their windows. Unfortunately, the commercial products they had used for so many years had left a wax buildup and vinegar alone wouldn’t do the job of removing the residue.  The good news though: Adding a dab of dish soap to the vinegar and water will remove the buildup.

Make a great all-purpose window cleaner by combining 1/4 cup vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon liquid soap or detergent, and 2 cups of water in a spray bottle. Shake to blend and spray on your windows!

Read more: at HERE

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